We sincerely thank our season supporters!

Our concert season is supported by the Michigan Arts & Culture Council and the National Endowment for the Arts and by generous individuals, sponsors and community partners:

 Thank you, Business Sponsors:
Beethoven & Company  A unique music store specializing in print music for study, performance, entertainment, and enjoyment.
Tom Buchanan

ZenBusiness120ZenBusiness makes it easy to start, run, and grow your business. We are a small business excited about helping other entrepreneurs realize their dreams of creating and growing a successful business. https://www.zenbusiness.com

 MEC Burgundy LOGOMetropolitan Eye Center 
Mariann M. Channell, M.D.  One of Michigan's premier private practice ophthalmology and eye care centers.
beacon square dentistry logo 2Beacon Square Dentistry 
Gary J. Warr, DDS. 
At Beacon Square Dentistry your unique smile is their specialty.
 conner ins grp logoConner Insurance Group
Beth Connor.  An award-winning independent agency with a portfolio of carrier appointments that provide competitive markets for commercial, personal, life, and health insurances. 861 North Pontiac Trail Ste. 200, Walled Lake, MI 48390; 248-427-9400
BYC logoBayview Yacht Club
100 Clairepointe Street
Detroit, Michigan, 48215

Matt Prost, General Manager

DTP Logo no backgroundDesign Team+
Harold Remlinger, AIA, LEAD AP, NCARB

975 East Maple Rd., Suite 210
Birmingham, MI 48009

dragonmeadDragonMead Microbrewery
Experience the ambiance of old-world service and style with a modern-world taste.
14600 E Eleven Mile Rd
Warren, MI 48089
 Thank you, Community Partners:
  • The A. Paul and Carol C. Schaap Center for the Performing Arts and the Richard and Jane Manoogian Art Gallery
  • Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church
  • Grosse Pointe North High School
  • Groves High School
  • WRCJ 90.9 FM
The Detroit Concert Choir is an activity and DBA of the Detroit Performing Artists, Inc. an IRS 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.
We sincerely thank you for your support!